MWSA Shop is open Wednesdays from 12 - 2 pm. Call 435-770-9189 with any questions.
Instrument Care
Only you, the student, should be using the instrument. Never allow others to play it.
Always put the instrument away in a safe place.
Never leave your instrument out of its case unattended.
Be careful of the case as well as the instrument.
Keep it clean and free from dust and pet hair.
Never have food or drink around the instrument.
DO NOT leave them in cold or hot places. This includes in cars, near heater vents or in direct sunlight.
Never use your bow for anything other than playing music.
Bows go into cases tip first. Loosen the bow first. Do not touch the hair.
Wipe rosin residue from the instrument with a dry, clean cloth.
Always remove shoulder rest/sponge before placing violin or viola in the case. Sponges go on top of the scroll in the case.
Cello and bass players need to put their endpin in when not being played.
Never touch the pegs! Only experienced players should tune with the pegs to avoid breaking strings.
Do not hang the instrument by the scroll on a music stand. You may hang the bow by the frog, not the tip.
NEVER step over an instrument.
Make sure when carrying the instrument that you do not bump it into walls, door ways, or stairs.
If you notice something not right with the instrument, contact us immediately. All maintenance/repairs must go through the MWSA shop. 435-770-9189
MWSA Shop hours every Wednesday 12-2
Portable 2B
Mount Logan Middle School
875 N. 200 E. Logan
Phone: 435-770-9189